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  • Cloth Nappies Get Started | Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Nappies UK Modern Cloth Nappies

    Getting Started with Cloth Nappies Getting Started with Cloth Nappies is easy! Just start with one. You can browse our range on this website of for a quick overview of the range see our Bells Bumz Guide below. We also offer a nationwide cloth nappy incentive scheme here . Want to know which cloth nappies will suit you and your baby, use our cloth nappy questionnaire here. Want to know how many cloth nappies you will need for your baby, use our quick cloth nappy calculator here. Want to know a simple cloth nappy wash routine to have clean cloth nappies? use our wash routine questionnaire here . Learn how much you could save with cloth nappies vs disposable nappies with our handy calculator here . If you wanted a trial kit with a full money back 30 day guarantee or a true newborn to potty swap kit have a read here . Bells Bumz cloth nappies and accessories are available to purchase from the Bells Bumz Family Stockists and below is a list of Cloth Nappy Libraries who have Bells Bumz in their kits. We also have a FAQ section and a Guide to caring for and washing cloth nappies . The best support for Getting started is via our amazing Bells Bumz Parenting and Nappy Chat group on Facebook! Please do come and join us ! You can also contact us at any time with any questions you may have. Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Nappies and Accessories UK have launched Bells4 Change which includes our new Bells Bumz Eco Grants alongside our affordability strategy , Nationwide Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme , other charitable donations (both in the UK and abroad), supporting Nappy Libraries and our warranty which includes an offer to repair and repurpose old cloth nappies, regardless of brand to give or raise funds for good causes. Shop Our Bundles and Kits Getting Started with Cloth Nappies Getting started with cloth nappies is simple, the decision to use cloth nappies doesn’t have to be all or nothing, you can replace one nappy a day, a day a week, part-time, day time only, night time only or full time! It’s completely up to you. Cloth nappies are easy to use and are not hard work, all that’s involved is an extra couple of wash loads in your week, with modern cloth nappies there is no need to soak, scrub or boil, you simply wash them in your machine and then dry them and reuse. Quick Start Guide 1. Decide what type of cloth nappy you want to use (see below for a guide) We recommend a mixture of types to start with whilst you find what your favourite is for you and your baby. This is why we have put together a “Bells Bumz For a Day” bundle allowing you to sample all types at a discount. 2. Decide how many cloth nappies you need. As a rule of thumb allow for a newborn baby to use around 10 nappies per 24 hours which decreases over time to around 6 nappies per 24 hours by the time baby is 4 – 6 months old. You will not need to change your baby any more regularly than you would in a disposable. 3. Decide what accessories you need, we recommend: A Nappy Pail Wetbag or an airy basket (more holes than plastic) to store dirty nappies until wash day Wet bags for out and about to store wet nappies (for nurseries who like to use a double bag system the Bells Bumz Mini wetbags can fit a folded nappy and then you can use a medium wet bag as the second bag to collect all the individual nappies inside their mini wetbags) A Nappy Pod for in the house or out and about to store clean nappies (these are big enough to fit clean nappies plus other essentials such as baby clothes) Fleece Liners to line the nappy, keep baby feeling dry and to catch the poo but they are not essential 4. Decide whether you want to cloth overnight. As a rule of thumb baby will need changing overnight until they are not soiling overnight (as you need to change after every poo) and until around 4-6 months old. Until this stage you will not need dedicated night nappies and can simply use whatever you use in the day. This is accounted for in the 10 nappies per 24 hours rule above. Once baby is 4-6 months old you will need one nappy per night with one wrap and if using night nappies every night we recommend 5 nappies with 3 wraps (this allows for the nappies to take longer to dry). We recommend fitted or flat nappies as a two part system. 5. You may notice pink indentations to your babies skin around the legs and the waist, these are referred to as “sock marks” and are completely normal as long as the skin is not broken, they are not red and they go after the next nappy change. 6. Sometimes cloth nappies leak, remember disposable nappies can leak too, it can be normal and with cloth (unlike with disposables) can usually be prevented by looking at fit and absorbency. The cloth community is very supportive and will be able to help you consider if you have enough absorbency in the right place and check the fit of your nappies. The Bells Bumz Parenting and Cloth Nappy chat on facebook is a wonderful group to join. 7. Washing and caring for your Bells Bumz Nappies, we recommend a daily or every other day pre-wash at 40 or 60 degrees with a half dose detergent and then dry pail in an airy basket (more holes than plastic), mesh laundry pag or Nappy Pail Wetbag. Followed by a regular main wash usually the long cottons cycle (not eco) on your machine (maximum day 4) at 40 or 60 degrees with full dose of detergent. Newborn poo (any poo before weaning starts) is water soluble and does not need to be removed prior to washing, once weaning starts simply remove the poo (the toilet flush, shower head into the toilet/ bucket or after poo’s are more solid they “plop” off, especially if using fleece liners) before dry pailing. Fit Guide The Benefits of Cloth Nappies Some of the benefits of Cloth nappies include that cloth nappies are generally accepted to be kinder to your baby’s skin, most parents who give cloth a go report that they have less incidences of nappy rash and that baby seems more comfortable. Cloth Nappies are suggested to help to support baby’s development through helping the hips to be in the “happy hips” position. Every cloth nappy saves a disposable nappy from going to landfill, protecting this world now and in the future. WRAP has reported that the UK adds 3 billion disposable nappies to landfill every year and it is estimated that disposable nappies take up to 500 years to decompose, chosing to switch even one cloth nappy a day can make a huge impact. It is reported that using cloth nappies full time, even when considering the washing cost and raw materials used is better for the environment and will save you money, the money saved increases each year and with each child you may have. You may also be able to recoup some of the costs as there is a great market for pre-loved nappies. Choosing whether to use newborn / size one nappies or birth to potty nappies from birth Birth to potty nappies are designed to fit from c 10lb – 35lb so can be used from birth. However, they do tend to look a little bulky on newborn babies and you may find that you can’t get a good leg seal until they are around a month or two old as they are unlikely to fit from birth. Some people choose to start with birth to potty nappies and accept there may be leaks for a few weeks or even use disposables at the start whilst adjusting to being parents to a newborn. Those who choose to use newborn / size one nappies will usually move on to birth to potty nappies when they are outgrown and there is a great market for pre-loved nappies. The Bells Bumz size one nappies are an affordable option and fit c4lb – 25lb+ so your baby could stay in this size until around 1 year old. All About Absorbency The most important element of cloth nappies are the absorbent parts. The materials can vary and should form part of your decision making process. As a general rule, the most absorbent a fabric or material, the slower it is to dry. Microfibre – This is the quickest to dry as it doesn’t truly “absorb” liquid, instead it has lots of tiny hooks and the liquid is trapped to sit in these hooks. This means that water is very quickly caught by the hooks, making it the fastest to “absorb”. However, if the fabric is squashed such as in a car seat or baby carrier microfibre can be prone to compression leaks. Microfibre is also very bulky on the bum as it is similar to a sponge and “absorbs” significantly less gram per gram than the natural fibre alternatives. Microfibre only needs one wash before use to remove any manufacturing residue. Microfibre is extremely cheap to produce so can be a very cost effective method to try cloth nappies. However, when washed the microfibre releases microplastics into the environment. You will not find any microfibre in any of the Bells Bumz products for this reason, instead we have chosen to reduce our profit margins in order to produce high quality yet affordable options. Cotton – This is the quickest natural fibre to dry as it does not hold as much volume of liquid gram per gram as bamboo or hemp. However, it is extremely fast to absorb making it a good option to mix with bamboo or hemp to ensure a reliable nappy. At Bells Bumz we mix Cotton with either bamboo or hemp as well as offer our BOOM range which includes a BOOM liner and BOOM boosters designed to help with those big fast wees our little ones can do. Our 100% Cotton BOOM products can be used after one wash to remove manufacturing residue. However, they can take up to 5 washes to improve how quickly they absorb liquid. Bamboo – This is a slower drying fabric than cotton but it holds more liquid gram per gram than cotton, meaning that cloth nappies containing bamboo can be less bulky yet have higher absorbency. At Bells Bumz we offer two types of Bamboo in our nappies: 80% Bamboo 20% polyester (the polyester is the backing that the bamboo loop is attached to, this gives the fabric strength as Bamboo alone is extremely delicate) and 70% Bamboo, 30% Cotton. Our bamboo fabrics require 5 washes to build absorbency. However, can be used after the first wash to remove manufacturing residue if you are prepared to change more regularly. Hemp – This is the slowest drying fabric but hemp is extremely absorbent once it has been washed at least 10 times and holds the highest volume of liquid gram per gram. This means that hemp nappies are less bulky on the bum providing more absorbency. Hemp is also a very environmentally friendly fabric with the least environmental impact. You can use nappies containing hemp after the first wash if you are prepared to change more regularly. As hemp is an extremely rough fabric, all hemp nappies contain a mixture of hemp and cotton, the cotton also allows the fabric to absorb liquid faster than it would alone as hemp is very slow to absorb. Despite being blended with cotton the hemp fabrics are slower to absorb than the bamboo and cotton alternatives. The Bells Bumz hemp fabric is 55% hemp, 45% cotton which is a superior ratio to other affordable brands. Different Types of Cloth Nappy Flat Nappies are square sheets of fabric that are very absorbent. The terms Flat nappy and terry nappy are interchangable, a terry nappy is usually cotton which makes it more bulky than the Bells Bumz Bamboo Flat nappy as you can have less thickness with bamboo as it can absorb a greater volume of liquid per gram of fabric. Bells Bumz Bamboo cotton tri-fold can be used as a flat nappy for newborn babies (similar to how you would use a muslin) and is a slightly more modern version, often also referred to as a prefold. The benefit of flat nappies are they are very absorbent and relatively cheap whilst being easy to wash and quick to dry. There are a number of folds you can use with flat nappies, and you fasten them with a nappy pin or nappy nippa. We find nappy pins are easiest to use. When using the tri-fold as a flat nappy for your newborn we recommend the angel fold and we find the nappy nippas work best. The great thing about using the trifold as a newborn flat is that once baby is big enough for birth to potty size pocket nappies or wraps you can then pad fold the trifold and use in these for absorbency, saving yourself money. As Flat nappies are made entirely out of absorbent material, they can feel extremely wet when removed, especially if used overnight, this is entirely normal. As long as you are not having leaks and/or the leg elastics on the water resistant cover are not wet (you will know if this is the case as you will notice red marks to the legs which unlike “sock marks” will not go after a few hours) you do not need to boost and the nappy is doing its job well. Fitted Nappies are a two part system as you need to use the fitted nappy (absorbent nappy) underneath a water resistent cover. Bells Bumz have a range of fitted nappies including the birth to potty hemp fitted, junior hemp fitted and the Reusabelles premium fitted nappy. All of these work in the same way in that they have popper in inserts included allowing you to customise aborbency depending on your baby and also whether you wish to use them in the day or at night. Bells Bumz have a range of water resistent covers, known as wraps, available including the Z wrap, junior size Z wrap+ and the Reusabelles BreeZe. The Z wraps (+) are best suited to daytime or night time use as they are slim fitting and tuck neatly into the knicker line. They can also be used with a variety of snap in inserts or with a trifold or flat folded in a “pad fold” which basically means into a rectangle. The Reusabelles BreeZe is designed for overnight use as it fits loose on the thigh with space for air to circulate between the fitted nappy and the wrap. When using a two part system during the day you can simply wipe down the wrap unless soiled and reuse, we recommend have two wraps to alternate during the day to allow for the leg elastics to dry. Like the flat nappies above, Fitted Nappies are made entirely out of absorbent material, they can feel extremely wet when removed, especially if used overnight, this is entirely normal. In particular with the Bells Bumz Hemp Fitted Nappies as the outer layer is hemp this draws the moisture away from baby to the outside which can make the outside of the nappy feel particularly soggy. As long as you are not having leaks and/or the leg elastics on the water resistant cover are not wet (you will know if this is the case as you will notice red marks to the legs which unlike “sock marks” will not go after a few hours) you do not need to boost and the nappy is doing its job well. All-in-two nappies are different to a fitted nappy and wrap but with a similar ethos. The nappy is still in two parts with an outer shell which is water resitant and a snap in insert that provides absorbency. As the insert snaps into the shell they differ from a two part system as they are placed onto baby in one piece rather than first putting on the fitted nappy and then placing the wrap over the top. This makes them easier to use but allow them to dry quicker and where the shell is not lined they can again be wiped clean unless soiled and reused. Bells Bumz offers two types of all in two nappy, the first is the true all in two which is our Z Swap system where the Z Wrap (+) can be used as a wipe clean wrap along with our Z soakers (both junior and birth to potty size). Our innovative Z system means that for day time use you would need 2 wraps along with around 5 Z soakers making it an affordable option use cloth nappies on your baby. The second is our All in Two pocket hybrid, this shell is lined with soft stay dry microfleece to keep baby dry as it can also be used as a pocket nappy (see below) with additional inserts. The All in Two pocket hybrid comes with an included Z soaker and Z booster+ which snaps underneath the Z soaker, this means that once put together it can be placed on baby in one piece. However, it differes to the Z Swap system as the shell can not be wiped clean and reused and so the entire nappy will then need to be washed. Some people prefer the All in Two pocket hybrid as a quicker drying version of an all in one nappy (see below). Pocket Nappies are a waterproof outer with a layer of stay dry material sewn on top, there is then a pocket between the waterproof layer and the stay dry material for you to insert (also referred to as “stuff”) absorbency. This is why they are often referred to as pockets and inserts. We often get asked what the difference is between an insert and a booster, generally the terms are interchangable. However, at Bells Bumz our boosters are usually smaller or slimmer in size compared to our inserts. Pocket nappies are an affordable way to use cloth nappies during the day, they are also versatile as they can be used with various options for absorbency to customise it for your babies needs. For example, our Bells Bumz Versatility pocket nappies can be used with our full range of inserts and popper in absorbency such as the heavy wetter, the tri-fold and the Z soakers, effectively allowing them to be used as an all in two (see above). As the pocket nappies have a stay dry layer, the entire nappy will need to be washed after each use. Pocket nappies are simple to use as they are placed on baby in one piece with the absorbency already stuffed inside the pocket (or poppered over the top) and they dry very quickly as the absorbency is seperated from the water resistant layer for the wash. All in One Nappies are exactly what they sound like, they are where the absorbency is sewn into the water resistant layer either at both ends or at one end meaning that they require very little to no preperation before they are placed on your baby. The Bells Bumz all in one nappy has absorbency sewn into the gusset underneath a stay dry microfleece layer plus a Z soaker sewn in one end, with a popper at the back to secure in place. This means that the insert can be unpoppered and laid out to dry to speed up drying time. Comparably, the Bells Bumz premium Reusabelles All in One is sewn in both ends and as such takes longer to dry but its extremely simple to use with no preperation required! Traditionally people have found that all in one nappies are not as absorbent as the absorbency is less customisable than with other options. Here at Bells Bumz we have ensured that our All in One nappies are extremely absorbent with also space to boost if needed (the majority will not need to boost our nappies as we believe this undermines the point of an all in one nappy!). UK Cloth Nappy Libraries Aperçu rapide NEW PRINTS Roller pocket Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP wet and wild pull up shell only (Swim nappy and training pants In one) Prix original 9,99£ Prix promotionnel 5,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Roller pocket (Quick drying hybrid all in one) Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Junior Pocket Nappy Prix 16,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Wet and wild Junior pull up shell only (Swim nappy & Training pants in one) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Inserts and Boosters Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Nappy Variety Boxes 50% OFF Prix original 150,00£ Prix promotionnel 75,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Birth to Potty Pocket Bundles - Shell Only Prix À partir de 25,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Birth to Potty Pocket - Mini Bundles Prix À partir de 38,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Starter Kit Prix 99,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Mini Starter Kit Prix 48,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Birth to Potty Versatility Taster Kit Prix 53,49£ TVA Incluse Bells Bumz supports UK Nappy Libraries by offering a special discount. Please contact us to enquire. Cloth nappy libraries, which are usually run by volunteers of parents with babies of their own in cloth, are a great way to find out more about real nappies before committing to buying a set of your own. Some cloth nappy libraries run demo events to answer all your questions. Find the list of Cloth Nappy Libraries here . Cloth Nappy Council Incentive Schemes Some local councils offer a Real Nappy Incentive voucher scheme to encourage the use of real nappies over disposables. Contact your local council for details of any reusable nappy council incentive schemes in your local area or see the Nationwide Real Nappy Incentive scheme by Bells Bumz here . Aperçu rapide Training pants 4 pack multi buy offer 20% off Prix original 35,96£ Prix promotionnel 28,77£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NEW PRINTS Roller pocket Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Training pants Prix 8,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide All Ages FREE Voucher Code Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme Prix 0,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Prebirth - 6 months FREE BABY BUNDLE Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme Prix 5,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 0-18 month FREE BABY BUNDLE Cloth Nappy Incentive Prix 5,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 0-18 month Maxi Baby Bundle Cloth Nappy Incentive Prix original 96,00£ Prix promotionnel 49,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 0-18 month Mini Baby Bundle Cloth Nappy Incentive Prix original 45,00£ Prix promotionnel 29,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 0-18 month Flat nappy baby bundle Cloth Nappy Incentive Prix 23,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Prebirth - 6 months Maxi bundle Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme Prix original 73,00£ Prix promotionnel 36,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Prebirth - 6 months Flat Nappy bundle Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme Prix 22,98£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 18 month+ Cloth Nappy Incentive Scheme Prix À partir de 5,99£ TVA Incluse

  • Design Rights | Bells Bumz | Cloth Nappies and Accessories

    Design Rights Designs Protected by the Intellectual Property Office Bells Bumz has Full UK registered design rights for the majority of our products including the innovative Z system which includes our Z Soakers , Z Wraps (and Junior Size Z Wrap+), Fitted Nappy (including Junior Size Fitted Nappy) , All in One and All in Two . This means that our registered products will only be available at Bells Bumz as others companies are not legally allowed to replicate in anyway. Bells Bumz has also been given exclusive agreement to manufacture the Reusabelles All in One , Fliip , Breeze , Change and Go changing mat and bag in one and Roller Pocket which is also subject to Full UK design rights It is important to note all designs as covered and protected by the Intellectual Property Office even if the designs are not registered. Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) Additional prints Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BreeZe side snap wrap additional prints Prix 10,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles All in Two Prix original 15,99£ Prix promotionnel 8,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Inserts and Boosters Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Hemp Fitted Nappies (Night / Heavy Wetter) Prix À partir de 8,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Fitted (rolled leg, luxury night nappy / heavy wetter) Prix 15,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 70cm large stretchy flat magnificent Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Simplicity Contoured Pre Flat Prix 11,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Clarity Pre Flat Prix 11,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bamboo Flat 60cm Prix 5,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BreeZe side snap wrap Prix 10,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap+ (c25-70lbs) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide YAY! Cloth Nappy Stash Builder! Prix À partir de 11,98£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Nappy Variety Boxes 50% OFF Prix original 150,00£ Prix promotionnel 75,00£ TVA Incluse SHOP

  • Eco Living | Household | Bells Bumz Eco | Cloth Nappies | Cloth Diapers

    Eco Living & Household FREE UK MAINLAND SHIPPING ON ALL BUNDLES AND KITS! FREE Postage for Mainland UK. Please choose the Free Shipping option at Checkout. For other destinations please select applicable shipping option or contact us . Beautiful and affordable easy to use reusable eco living and household products. The best reusable company for you and your newborn, baby and toddler. Easy To Use, Affordable Eco living and household products such as cloth wipes and reusable kitchen roll. Available In Organic Cotton, Bamboo & More. Ethically Made, Reusable Nappies. Free Delivery Mainland UK. Shop Online Today! Not sure what items will suit you and your baby? Try our cloth nappy questionnaire here Want to know how many cloth nappies you will need - use our handy calculator Aperçu rapide Training pants 4 pack multi buy offer 20% off Prix original 35,96£ Prix promotionnel 28,77£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Training pants Prix 8,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Liners and Wipes Prix À partir de 7,95£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bundle of 20 Swipeeze reusable kitchen roll / wipe Prix 35,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusable Family Cloth Wipes Kit Prix 44,62£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Absorbency Bundles including wipes and Swipeeze Prix À partir de 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Menstrual Eco Period Pads Prix À partir de 2,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Menstrual Pad Sets Prix À partir de 19,75£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Menstrual Pad Kit Prix 30,11£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Full Period Pad Kit - All you need Prix 114,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Mini Wet Bag Prix À partir de 1,43£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Medium Wet Bags Prix 6,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Mini Pod Prix À partir de 6,89£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Nappy Pod / Swim Bag / PE and more Prix original 12,99£ Prix promotionnel 7,79£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Nappy Pail / Laundry Bag / Beach Bag Prix À partir de 7,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NURTURE GRAB & GO TRAVEL CHANGE MAT Prix 12,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Change and go bag (Travel change mat & Bag in one) Prix 19,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NURTURE SPLAT GUARD Prix 18,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NURTURE BOOST ME TODDLER BOOSTER CUSHION Prix 17,99£ TVA Incluse En voir plus

  • How our Cloth Nappies are made | Bells Bumz

    About Production Offering Safety Tested and Ethically Made Cloth Nappies and Accessories I spent along time considering the different production options available when I was launching Bells Bumz. I chose to out source to China as being a single mother who was unable to afford to cloth my son was a horrible feeling. Financially I felt that £20+ per nappy was too much for the market to become mainstream. I can say I have tried to ensure that I have looked at every aspect of my business to accomplish safe, high quality and affordable products while maintaining decent manufacturing conditions. I provide work for many Chinese families as at the end of the day we all wish to provide for our families regardless of where we are born and all deserve the same. My product and public liability insurance covers myself as a manufacturer and also covers full products. A lot of lower cost insurance companies will cover you with “rights to recourse” or not cover you as if you were the manufacturer. This means that’s you have to claim direct from the factory for the insurance company, and as a Chinese factory has no legal obligation this means you are not fully covered in my eyes. So with the level of cover I have I am confident that’s any companies that deal with myself are fully covered selling my products where as if I didn’t have this level then they would also not be fully covered selling my products. I am a great believer that everyone should be able to afford to cloth and this does not mean lowering the quality or manufacturing working conditions. Why shouldn’t you be able to provide the best without paying through the roof? I believe everyone should have the same opportunities & by making my brand affordable while retaining the same quality of higher cost nappies would help accomplish making cloth mainstream. What this does mean is lower profit margins. Now my pricing means I retain decent products and I do make a small profit. With all the hard work I do expect to earn a living as being able to spend more time with Zachary is my ultimate goal. However, it was important to me that this doesn’t mean I have to sacrifice my beliefs by over charging for products that should be more widely affordable for everyone who wishes to use. I feel very strongly that I want everyone to use cloth should they wish. It’s very sad but people do believe an inflated price tag means higher quality where this is not always the case they just make more profit. Yes I could of gone down the route of microfibre mix and made lower cost nappies. I chose to offer products I believe to be decent quality, using natural fibres, without the risk of compression leaks and ensuring that the products I make work. So as not to put people off who are just starting out and do not know the levels of absorbency in materials. As a such you will find NO microfibre in any of my products. In exchange to compensate for flooders you will find cotton. My PUL is high quality and is manufactured using heat and pressure (also kknown as TPU), some use chemicals to make and as per my safety checks shows these are not made using any nasty chemicals and only made using heat. I have had tours of my factory. I have a fantastic relationship with my contact and laugh and joke about our families. I do know they have time off for their own festivities and all production lines are halted during these times. I wouldn’t have this any other way as people should have fair working conditions and time to spend with their family’s on important occasions. I have also had a third party inspection report on the factory and it’s a lovely read. I have ensured that there is no child labour, clean & safe working conditions and decent working hours. The nappies are all hand made and the factory has a lovely friendly personal feel to it. I speak with lovely David weekly and we have laughs and jokes about my own stress levels wanting everything to be perfect. The factory has also passed an Amfori Full Social Audit - Manufacturing audit, with 11 A rated sections which included worker involvement and protection, no discrimination and fair remuneration, Occupational Health and Safety, No Child Labour with special Protection for younger adult workers, No precarious employment or bonded labour, Protection of the environment and Ethical Business Behaviours, amongst others. Now with regards to safety I am very particular about what I use on Zachary and as a such would not put anything on my own lovely boy without knowing that they are not only comfortable but also safe. I have had numerous testers and samples, working with the factory to tweak and improve my designs. Also, to ensure you all my nappies are completely safe as I have had extensive laboratory checks by SGS in the UK on materials used in them to ensure my products are to a UK safety standard. A lot of Chinese factories use US levels and unfortunately these are a lot lower safety standard then what we uphold within the UK. This isn’t a legal obligation this is an obligation to my own beliefs to know that I can sleep soundly with the knowledge there are no nasties in my nappies. Where possible I have my products shipped via train and truck as this will reduce the amount of emissions then using full air fair. I felt why try to manufacture an eco friendly product and then contribute to emissions by transporting via air constantly. So I choose other options where possible to keep this to a minimum. I want to try and retain this beautiful world for my son and hopefully for his very own family some day. I’m sure everyone will know that time is also money but again I am trying my very best to save on carbon print. As another way to offset our carbon footprint and help our planet and its people Bells Bumz is committed to making laundry not landfill. Bells Bumz offers to reuse, repair and recycle any unwanted/unused cloth nappies and accessories regardless of brand or condition, please contact us at to arrange donation of these , nappies from other brands that are able to be repaired and reused will be donated to good causes such as cloth nappy libraries, where nappies regardless of the brand are unable to be repaired and reused they will be recycled to raise money for cloth nappy libraries and other good causes through being turned into cloth nappy keyrings, bunting or other small products. You will also find zero packaging, outside the essentials, for my nappies. This not only adds to waste but also cost so I deemed it unnecessary. I just want everyone to know that yes my pricing may be lower than a lot of brands out there, BUT this doesn’t mean I have not provided a quality product or that I am complacent about the working conditions in the factory where they are made. I am not perfect by a long shot but I can happily say I have done everything in my power to provide effective and high quality products by retaining my own beliefs. Bells Bumz Eco is committed to making cloth nappies and reusable products mainstream and ensuring our nappies are a truly sustainable alternative that can be reused from birth to potty and for some, who choose to do so, for multiple babies. Therefore, Bells Bumz offers a Family warranty for all reusable nappies (including the absorbency and water resistant layers) and wraps and for all other products whilst owned by the original purchaser (proof of purchase is required) as long as they have been subject to reasonable use (See terms and conditions below) and if stored between babies they are stored correctly in a breathable container (such as a pillow case) and in a temperate environment (such as a wardrobe not an attic or outbuilding). The Bells Bumz Eco Family warranty covers failures and breakages that means your Bells Bumz Eco cloth nappy or accessory is no longer reusable and is in effect a lifetime warranty whilst the products remain in your family. For details of how to claim under the warranty and read the full terms and conditions please click here . I can also say that I do provide many opportunities within the uk especially as I choose not to sell direct, outside of the bundles and kits that I offer, to ensure that my Bells Bumz Family stockists are supported. Bells Bumz supports a number of lovely eco/nappy shops that are mostly run by work at home mums, a work at home mum who runs a UK advertising business, and UK work at home clothing companies as well as a number of designers. I call all of these lovely companies the Bells Bumz family and have great friendships forming. I have worked hard to find a balance with Bells Bumz, to make cloth mainstream and affordable and to have something for everyone. If you require further information regarding working conditions, insurance or safety testing please contact us. Learn about the Bells Bumz Warranty Aperçu rapide Training pants 4 pack multi buy offer 20% off Prix original 35,96£ Prix promotionnel 28,77£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NEW PRINTS Roller pocket Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Training pants Prix 8,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Size one Z wrap (new born, c5-25lbs) additional prints Prix 6,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) Additional prints Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz All in One additional prints Prix original 16,99£ Prix promotionnel 10,19£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BreeZe side snap wrap additional prints Prix 10,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Size One (newborn) Pocket Nappy c5-25lbs Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Newborn Roller (All in one hybrid , c5-25lbs) Prix 11,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Size one fitted nappies (c5-25lb) use in conjunction with size one z wrap. Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Size one Z wrap (new born, c5-25lbs) Prix 6,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz All in One Prix original 16,99£ Prix promotionnel 10,19£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP wet and wild pull up shell only (Swim nappy and training pants In one) Prix original 9,99£ Prix promotionnel 5,99£ TVA Incluse About Production: Meet The Team Our Materials The quality of the materials used to make our products is of the upmost importance to us. All our products are made from materials that have been tested to UK safety standards. Find out more here . Our PUL is high quality and is manufactured using heat and pressure, some use chemicals to make and as per my safety checks shows these are not made using any nasty chemicals and only made using heat. Our Bamboo is 80% bamboo with a polyester mesh to provide strength, there is no microfiber. The bamboo in inserts are 250gsm and in the bamboo flats it is 320gsm. Our Hemp is 55% hemp, 45% cotton and is 360gsm. Our cotton is 100% cotton or 95% cotton 5% elastane. Our Bamboo Cotton is 70% bamboo, 30% cotton and is 280gsm and our Stretchy Bamboo Cotton is 65% bamboo, 30% cotton, 5% elastane and is 260gsm. We use suede cloth, microfleece or athletic wicking jersey as the stay dry layer on our products. Please note whilst we have tested the microfleece to be colourfast we advise these items are washed separately for the first few washes to avoid colour run. We also advise to wash dark colours separately (for example, our cloth menstrual pads). Aperçu rapide MISFIT bells hybrid all in two includes z soaker and z booster + Prix 4,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide MISFIT reusabelles roller pocket Prix 8,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles All in Two Prix original 15,99£ Prix promotionnel 8,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide MISFIT mini wet bag Prix 0,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Discontinued coffee z soaker BTP and junior Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide MISFIT z booster plus (suitable for all z soakers and trifolds) Prix 2,24£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide MISFIT white z soaker BTP Prix 2,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide MISFIT boom liner 5pc Prix 3,50£ TVA Incluse

  • Bells Bumz Fitted Nappies | Day or Night Nappies | Cloth Nappies

    Fitted Cloth Nappies - Over 12 hours dry perfect for Night Time! Bells Bumz Fitted Nappies are available in size one (newborn) c4 - 25lb with white poppers, birth to potty size c10lb - 35lb with blue poppers and Junior Size c25lb - 70lb with green poppers. Perfect for those night times and heavy wetter’s. Our Bells Bumz Fitted Nappies work beautifully with our Bells Bumz Size One, Birth to Potty Z Wrap and Junior Z Wrap+ You love our size one newborn z wraps and now you have a fitted nappy that fits perfectly for your heavy wetting babies or if you need some extra containment or reliability from a two part system. The Bells Bumz size one newborn fitted nappy has gentle rolled leg elastics, single row waist poppers, pull out tongue for quick drying and rise settings to fit c4lb - 20lb! Fully fleece lined to keep baby dry and a pocket opening to boost if needed. The birth to potty Size Fitted night time cloth nappies have one layer of heavy gsm bamboo and one layer of hemp making up the actually nappy itself and included in the price are two snap in inserts: One 3 layers of Hemp (55% hemp, 45% cotton) One 3 layer Bamboo Cotton (70% bamboo, 30% cotton) So you have 8 layers of super absorbent material. The birth to potty fitted also has an additional feature of soft tummy elastic, alternatively, you can have a look at the premium Reusabelles side snap fastening fitted nappy. The Junior Size Fitted night time cloth nappies have the most absorbency with the Actual nappy being made up of two layers of hemp itself and included in the price are two snap in inserts: One 4 layers of Hemp (55% hemp, 45% cotton) One 4 layer Bamboo (80% bamboo) So you have 10 layers of super absorbent material. The Junior fitted also has an additional feature of soft tummy elastic. All Bells Bumz fitted nappies have the advantages of 4 rise adjustments so you can alter the size accordingly and Soft elastic around the legs. Here Is the best part. All the Bells Bumz fitted nappies are lined with super soft microfleece. It’s amazing at staying dry and absorbing all of the wet through its layer. Super soft against babies skin. Please note whilst we have tested the coffee microfleece in the Junior Fitted nappies to be colourfast we advise these items are washed separately for the first few washes to avoid colour run. There is also a pocket opening in the stay dry fleece to allow for boosting. Bells Bumz size one newborn Fitted Nappy RRP: £9.99 Bells Bumz birth to potty Fitted Nappy RRP: £12.99 Bells Bumz Junior Fitted Nappy RRP: £16.99 Shop Now - Individual Items Aperçu rapide Training pants 4 pack multi buy offer 20% off Prix original 35,96£ Prix promotionnel 28,77£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Training pants Prix 8,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Size one fitted nappies (c5-25lb) use in conjunction with size one z wrap. Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Fitted (rolled leg, luxury night nappy / heavy wetter) Prix 15,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Simplicity Contoured Pre Flat Prix 11,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Clarity Pre Flat Prix 11,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 70cm large stretchy flat magnificent Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bamboo Flat 60cm Prix 5,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Hemp Fitted Nappies (Night / Heavy Wetter) Prix À partir de 8,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Mini Starter Kit Prix 48,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Night Time Kit Prix À partir de 46,70£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Mix Reusabelles and Bells Bumz Night Time Kit Prix original 142,38£ Prix promotionnel 114,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap Bundles Prix À partir de 18,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Breeze Bundles Prix À partir de 27,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NEW Reusabelles Fitted Nappy Bundle Prix À partir de 46,82£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Absorbency Bundles including wipes and Swipeeze Prix À partir de 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Give Cloth a Go Trial kit Prix 178,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Full Kit Prix original 403,65£ Prix promotionnel 320,00£ TVA Incluse

  • Cloth Nappy Hire Kits | Bells Bumz Eco

    Strip and Sanitise HIRE KITS Our hire kits are fully customisable (excluding ultimate hire kits) and we are able to build a hire kit to your requirements if needed, simply contact us! If you want a hire kit for the arrival of your baby please enter the EDD (or likely placement date) in the notes field, we will ensure the hire kit arrives in plenty of time and your hire period will start when baby arrives! Cloth Nappy Nerds offer a fully insured cloth nappy library hire service. We guarantee the nappies in our hire kits are in useable condition, either brand new or used and sanitised to HSE (health and safety executive) high standards on the advice of Public Health England and in line with the requirements of our insurers to ensure the safety of your child. All hire kits are then freshly laundered prior to being shipped. We provide personalised wash routines to fit with your lifestyle and preferences. Ongoing support throughout the hire period and beyond on a 1:1 basis and via our facebook group . You can choose a hire period that suits you, with options on the website starting from as short a period as 2 weeks, if you want to extend your hire please get in touch. As an added bonus, we also provide the opportunity to keep nappies in your hire kit for 20% off RRP if you fall in love with them and provide discount codes with the kits. The hire fee supports the running of Cloth Nappy Nerds Hire Kits, from the website and other costs, to replacement of nappies as they show signs of wear, through to laundry costs and growing the nappy library kits. The fee includes tax and shipping. All kit prices include a full refundable deposit, see individual listings for details and our terms and conditions for hire . An alternative to our Hire Kits for newborns is the amazing Bells Bumz Birth to Potty Swap Kit, for more information click here . Il n'y a aucun article à afficher pour le moment.

  • Junior Cloth Nappies | Bells Bumz Eco | Toddler | Cloth Nappies | Cloth Diapers

    Junior Bundles and Kits FREE UK MAINLAND SHIPPING ON ALL BUNDLES AND KITS! FREE Postage for Mainland UK. Please choose the Free Shipping option at Checkout. For other destinations please select applicable shipping option or contact us . Beautiful and affordable easy to use reusable modern cloth nappies. The best reusable nappy company for your newborn, baby and toddler. Easy To Use, Affordable, Fast Drying Nappies. Available In Organic Cotton, Bamboo & More. Ethically Made, Reusable Nappies. Free Delivery Mainland UK. Shop Online Today! Not sure what items will suit you and your baby? Try our cloth nappy questionnaire here Want to know how many cloth nappies you will need - use our handy calculator Aperçu rapide Junior Pocket Nappy Prix 16,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Wet and wild Junior pull up shell only (Swim nappy & Training pants in one) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Inserts and Boosters Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Liners and Wipes Prix À partir de 7,95£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 70cm large stretchy flat magnificent Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bamboo Flat 60cm Prix 5,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Simplicity Contoured Pre Flat Prix 11,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Hemp Fitted Nappies (Night / Heavy Wetter) Prix À partir de 8,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap+ (c25-70lbs) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Nappy Variety Boxes 50% OFF Prix original 150,00£ Prix promotionnel 75,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide JUNIOR size Mystery Box 40% OFF Prix original 50,00£ Prix promotionnel 30,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide JUNIOR size Mystery Box 50% OFF Prix original 100,00£ Prix promotionnel 60,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bundle of 10 Bells Bumz Junior Pockets Prix original 169,90£ Prix promotionnel 123,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bundle of 5 Bells Bumz Junior Pockets Prix 66,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bundle of 3 Bells Bumz Junior Pockets Prix original 50,97£ Prix promotionnel 43,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz True All in Two Z Swap Kits - Junior Kit 1 Prix original 63,69£ Prix promotionnel 59,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Wet and Wild Pull Up / Swim Nappy Bundles Prix À partir de 23,99£ TVA Incluse

  • Reusabelles | All in One Cloth Nappies | Bells Bumz UK

    Reusabelles Reusabelles Reusabelles are the Bells Bumz Premium range and are available only through the Bells Bumz family stockists. They have been lovingly and carefully designed by Amy who has been supporting Bells Bumz with the development of product lines since launch. Currently the Reusabelles line includes an amazing original All in one nappy , Best Selling Reusabelles Roller Pocket , Best Selling Reusabelles Breeze Wrap and Fitted Nappy , Reusabelles Fliip All in Two and BOOM Liners and BOOM Boosters . Design Rights Reusabelles have Full UK registered design rights. This means that all of these wonderful products will only be available at Bells Bumz as others companies are not legally allowed to replicate in anyway. We have protected the design in a number of variations to protect product development stages. Aperçu rapide NEW PRINTS Roller pocket Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Newborn Roller (All in one hybrid , c5-25lbs) Prix 11,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Roller pocket (Quick drying hybrid all in one) Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Roller Pocket All in One Bundle Prix À partir de 35,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Roller Newborn to Potty Swap Kit Prix 359,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Newborn Roller Bundles Prix À partir de 31,99£ TVA Incluse The Family behind Reusabelles Amy, Andrew, Daniel and Isabelle We are Amy and Andrew and we are the husband and wife team behind Reusabelles. Amy takes the lead on the design aspects and Andrew helps with providing a different perspective and objective feedback. We first met in 2004 and 6 years later we got married, fast forward to 2020 and 16 years after we met at University in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, we have our two beautiful children, a dog, a cat and four chickens! We are committed to keeping cloth simple, affordable and helping it become more mainstream. We feel very proud to be starting Reusabelles and hope that we can offer something new to parents and carers everywhere that is simple to use, simple to fit and good for babies and the planet! Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Fitted (rolled leg, luxury night nappy / heavy wetter) Prix 15,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Hemp Fitted Nappies (Night / Heavy Wetter) Prix À partir de 8,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NEW Reusabelles Fitted Nappy Bundle Prix À partir de 46,82£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Breeze Bundles Prix À partir de 27,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Mix Reusabelles and Bells Bumz Night Time Kit Prix original 142,38£ Prix promotionnel 114,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Absorbency Bundles including wipes and Swipeeze Prix À partir de 14,49£ TVA Incluse Reusabelles: About Us

  • How Many Cloth Nappies Do I Need | Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Nappies And Accessories

    How Many Cloth Nappies Do You Need? How Many Cloth Nappies Do I Need? You can start with One! For a full day in cloth I would recommend 6 cloth nappies, to allow you to wash less often or use cloth full time 12 cloth nappies is a good starting number, although for the simplest wash routine most recommend 20-25 day time cloth nappies and 3 - 5 night time cloth nappies for full time use. If you’re using a two-part system, such as a fitted, flat nappy or our innovative z soakers in a wrap then we recommend buying one wrap for every three nappies. Usually the wrap stays clean so can be reused after most nappy changes for up to 12 hours, we recommend having two per daytime and alternating during the day. Our handy calculator below helps you calculate how many cloth nappies you need for your baby. Use the cloth nappy calculator below to find out how many modern cloth nappies you need to use reusable cloth nappies for your baby. Then you can use our cloth nappy questionnaire to find our which cloth nappies will suit you and your baby, from newborn to toddler to beyond we have a cloth nappy to suit your needs. Aperçu rapide NEW PRINTS Roller pocket Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP wet and wild pull up shell only (Swim nappy and training pants In one) Prix original 9,99£ Prix promotionnel 5,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Roller pocket (Quick drying hybrid all in one) Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Junior Pocket Nappy Prix 16,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Wet and wild Junior pull up shell only (Swim nappy & Training pants in one) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Inserts and Boosters Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Nappy Variety Boxes 50% OFF Prix original 150,00£ Prix promotionnel 75,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Birth to Potty Pocket Bundles - Shell Only Prix À partir de 25,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Birth to Potty Pocket - Mini Bundles Prix À partir de 38,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Starter Kit Prix 99,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Mini Starter Kit Prix 48,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Birth to Potty Versatility Taster Kit Prix 53,49£ TVA Incluse

  • Shop | Bells Bumz Eco

    Bells Eco Baby FREE Postage for Mainland UK on all Bells Bumz Eco Baby Bundles/Kits and all orders over £50. Please choose the Free Shipping option at Checkout. For other destinations please select applicable shipping option or contact us . Beautiful and affordable easy to use eco baby products and reusable modern cloth nappies. The best baby, toddler and eco living reusable nappy company for your newborn, baby and toddler. Nurture Range Cloth Nappies Accessories Eco Period

  • Wraps and True All in Two | Cloth Nappies | Bells Bumz UK

    The Z Wrap is available in birth to potty size c10lb - 35lb and The Z Wrap+ is available in Junior size c25lb - 70lb. Bells Bumz Z wraps are made from a stretchy and soft PUL fabric. They have double row of waist snaps, 3 x 4 rise settings and soft tummy elastic. They have an external double gusset which is brilliant for containment. They are breathable, and have good air circulation. These wraps are designed to fit around our fitted Hemp nappies (either birth to potty size or Junior size depending on your needs), bamboo flats and to be used with our pop in Z soaker (Z soaker+ for the Z Wrap+ coming soon) but they will also fit most other brands of shaped and flat nappies too if you happen to use a selection. Comes with front and back PUL flaps with hidden snaps under the flaps designed to hold our Bells Bumz Z soaker And Z booster for our Z Swap True All in Two system. Also great for pre folds or just additional boosters placed under the flaps. RRP: Z Wrap £7.99, Z Wrap+ £10.99 Bells Bumz size one (newborn) Z Wrap fits c.5lb - 25lb Bells Bumz size one Z wraps are made from a stretchy and soft PUL fabric. They have single row but double waist snaps for that secure fit, 3 x 5 rise settings and soft tummy elastic to help the wrap sit below the umbilical cord. They have an external double gusset which is brilliant for containment. They are breathable, and have good air circulation. Super soft fluffy binding to ensure only the gentlest materials touch babies skin. These wraps are designed to fit around our fitted BTP Hemp on smaller settings with the inserts removed, 60 x 60cm bamboo flats and to be used with our pop in mini Z soaker. Our birth to potty size bamboo tri fold also works perfectly in the pad fold or as a new born flat taking full advantage of its stay dry layer. Comes with front and back PUL flaps with hidden snaps under the flaps designed to hold our size one Bells Bumz Z soaker And if needed also the birth to potty size Z booster for our Z Swap True All in Two system. RRP: £6.99 Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) Additional prints Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BreeZe side snap wrap additional prints Prix 10,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles All in Two Prix original 15,99£ Prix promotionnel 8,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Inserts and Boosters Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Hemp Fitted Nappies (Night / Heavy Wetter) Prix À partir de 8,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Fitted (rolled leg, luxury night nappy / heavy wetter) Prix 15,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 70cm large stretchy flat magnificent Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Simplicity Contoured Pre Flat Prix 11,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Clarity Pre Flat Prix 11,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bamboo Flat 60cm Prix 5,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BreeZe side snap wrap Prix 10,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap+ (c25-70lbs) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide YAY! Cloth Nappy Stash Builder! Prix À partir de 11,98£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Nappy Variety Boxes 50% OFF Prix original 150,00£ Prix promotionnel 75,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Newborn to Potty Z Swap with Z Soakers Prix 199,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Newborn All in Two Starter Kit Prix original 169,70£ Prix promotionnel 135,76£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz True All in Two Z Swap Kits - BTP Kit 1 Prix original 51,69£ Prix promotionnel 44,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Simplicity Bundles Prix À partir de 31,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Training pants 4 pack multi buy offer 20% off Prix original 35,96£ Prix promotionnel 28,77£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Training pants Prix 8,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP Z Wrap (c10-35lbs) NEW PRINTS Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Size one fitted nappies (c5-25lb) use in conjunction with size one z wrap. Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Fitted (rolled leg, luxury night nappy / heavy wetter) Prix 15,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Simplicity Contoured Pre Flat Prix 11,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Clarity Pre Flat Prix 11,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide 70cm large stretchy flat magnificent Prix 7,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bamboo Flat 60cm Prix 5,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Hemp Fitted Nappies (Night / Heavy Wetter) Prix À partir de 8,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Mini Starter Kit Prix 48,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Night Time Kit Prix À partir de 46,70£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Mix Reusabelles and Bells Bumz Night Time Kit Prix original 142,38£ Prix promotionnel 114,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Z Wrap Bundles Prix À partir de 18,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Reusabelles Breeze Bundles Prix À partir de 27,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide NEW Reusabelles Fitted Nappy Bundle Prix À partir de 46,82£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Absorbency Bundles including wipes and Swipeeze Prix À partir de 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Give Cloth a Go Trial kit Prix 178,50£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Full Kit Prix original 403,65£ Prix promotionnel 320,00£ TVA Incluse

  • How Much Could You Save | Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Nappies And Accessories

    How Much Money Could you Save by Switching to Cloth Nappies? Are Reusable nappies more expensive? It's true there is an initial cost to using modern cloth nappies: whilst each disposable nappy sells for a few pence, reusable nappies cost pounds. However, once you’ve stocked up, you don’t need to buy more and they only add a few more loads of washing to your routine. Some councils offer cloth nappy incentive schemes with vouchers or cash back to help parents buy cloth nappies . This can be a postcode lottery so Bells Bumz has launched the FIRST Nationwide reusable nappy incentive scheme regardless of where you live in the UK. When deciding which cloth nappies to buy, the most important thing is to choose ones which suit your circumstances. We can help you find the best reusable nappy for your lifestyle with our cloth nappy questionnaire . Want to know how much you could save with cloth nappies? Use the savings calculator to work out how much you could save by switching to cloth nappies. Did you know that 20-30 cloth nappies could replace 5000 disposable nappies! Modern cloth nappies could save you money, even when you consider the cost of washing a few extra loads a week. You can then use our handy calculators to find out how many cloth nappies you need to use reusable cloth nappies for your baby. Then you can use our cloth nappy questionnaire to find our which cloth nappies will suit you and your baby, from newborn to toddler to beyond we have a cloth nappy to suit your needs. The cost of reusable cloth nappies does vary but we have a number of reduced price bundles and kits to get you started. Our Bells Bumz Full Kit contains everything you need to cloth full time at £320 including postage (RRP over £400!!) If you were to wash and tumble dry your reusable cloth nappies every other day for 3 years this would cost around £350 including water, electricity and washing powder in "standard" washing machines and driers (not the most or the least efficient), air/line drying or using a dehumidifier or heat pump tumble dryer would reduce these costs significantly! Using the cost of our Full Kit this brings the total cost of the cloth nappies to £670. This is based on the Ofgem price cap from April 2022. However. if you then go on to use your Bells Bumz modern cloth nappies for multiple children, with our family lifetime warranty you can be confident they will last, and you will not have to buy more cloth nappies reducing the overall cost for multiple children. The average baby uses 5000 disposable nappies with the market leading brand costing 25p per nappy which is a cost of £1250, this means that for one baby by switching to cloth nappies you could save around £580 this saving increases when using reusable cloth wipes, and wet bags instead of disposable nappy bags. For two children you would then go on to save around £1480 (more with the washable cloth wipes and wet bags) and for three children this would be around £2380!! Remember if your air dry as oppose to tumble dry or have an efficient washing machine these savings increase as well! You are also saving a huge amount of plastic waste, with disposable nappies contributing around 438kg of plastic waste annually per child, that is around 1314kg per child which is around 1 car! Disposable nappies also use our earth resources such as wood pulp, cotton and the manufacture of polymers uses over 1500 litres of crude oil and contributes the equivalent of 550kg CO2 for one babies nappies! Switching to cloth nappies generates much less waste (20-30 cloth nappies, that can be reused and repurposed), uses much less resources and contributes 40% less CO2 even when all the washing and drying is taken into account. Finally, remember, using cloth nappies doesn't have to be all or nothing, you can start with one cloth nappy - have a look at our cloth nappy incentive scheme , or use cloth nappies one day a week, or use cloth nappies part-time. Find what fits with your family and your baby and switch to cloth nappies at an amount that suits you. When you have finished using your cloth nappies these can be sold (there is a preloved market for cloth nappies), donated or repurposed. We take donations for our Bells 4 Change scheme. Aperçu rapide NEW PRINTS Roller pocket Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT EXCLUSIVE PRINTS Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket SHELL ONLY NO INSERT Prix 9,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Luxury Versality BTP Pocket with two inserts Prix 14,49£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide BTP wet and wild pull up shell only (Swim nappy and training pants In one) Prix original 9,99£ Prix promotionnel 5,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Roller pocket (Quick drying hybrid all in one) Prix 14,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Junior Pocket Nappy Prix 16,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Wet and wild Junior pull up shell only (Swim nappy & Training pants in one) Prix 10,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Inserts and Boosters Prix À partir de 1,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Cloth Nappy Variety Boxes 50% OFF Prix original 150,00£ Prix promotionnel 75,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Birth to Potty Pocket Bundles - Shell Only Prix À partir de 25,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Birth to Potty Pocket - Mini Bundles Prix À partir de 38,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Starter Kit Prix 99,00£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Bells Bumz Mini Starter Kit Prix 48,99£ TVA Incluse Aperçu rapide Birth to Potty Versatility Taster Kit Prix 53,49£ TVA Incluse

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