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Reusabelles BreeZe Wrap

Bells Bumz Eco Z wrap reusable cloth Nappy Cover Z swap system Bells Bumz Eco cloth nappies modern cloth nappies Reusabelles BreeZe airflow wrap Bells Bumz Eco cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted

Reusabelles BreeZe Wrap.


BreeZe er en sidesnap wrap genial til at tillade ventilation og luftcirkulation omkring bleen.


Dette er en fødsel til potteindpakning, der passer til c 10lb - 40lb og er fuldt justerbar, så der er ingen grund til at købe adskillige indpakninger i forskellige størrelser i overensstemmelse med Bells Bumz' overkommelige strategi.


Der er 4 x 3 stigningsindstillinger og justerbare talje- og benknapper og en fuldt elastisk talje.


Designet til at sidde løst på låret med superblød binding for at efterlade dit lille barn stort set fri for sokker.

Vejl. pris: £10,49

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