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Landsdækkende UK Cloth Nappy Incitament Scheme

Nogle lokalråd tilbyder en Real Nappy Incitament-voucherordning for at tilskynde til brugen af genanvendelige bleer frem for engangsartikler. Kontakt dit lokale råd for at få oplysninger om eventuelle ordninger i dit lokalområde. Bells Bumz tilbyder også den første landsdækkende UK Cloth Nappy-incitamentsordning. Du kan ansøge om incitamentsordningen til din lokale kludbleer og også ansøge om Bells Bumz-genanvendelige ble-incitamentsordning.

Bells Bumz Eco stofbleer og tilbehør UK har lanceret Bells4 Change, som inkluderer vores nye Bells Bumz Eco Grants ved siden af vores overkommelighedsstrategiLandsdækkende incitamentsordning for stofbleer, andre velgørende donationer (både i Storbritannien og i udlandet), støtte blebiblioteker og vores garanti som inkluderer et tilbud om at reparere og genbruge gamle stofbleer, uanset mærke til at give eller rejse penge til gode formål.

Vælg venligst GRATIS forsendelsesmulighed ved kassen, da P&P er inkluderet i prisen

Vilkår og betingelser:


For at du kan kvalificere dig til stofbleordningen skal du:

  • Bor i Storbritannien (eller vær villig til at betale yderligere portoomkostninger – kontakt os for detaljer)

  • Ansøg online

  • Har et barn eller er gravid, for børn over 18 måneder anvendes tillæg.

  • Være i stand til at sende kopier af bevis for graviditet eller baby (MATB1 fra begge sider eller fødselsattest eller adoptionsattest) hvis det anmodes om

Ansøgninger vil kun blive accepteret fra berettigede indbyggere i Storbritannien, medmindre andet er aftalt. Uden for Storbritannien bedes du søge aftale og bekræftelse af det samlede beløb, der skal betales under ordningen, inden du sender nogen midler.

Der vil højst blive accepteret én ansøgning pr. barn fra en forælder eller værge, der er nævnt på fødsels- eller adoptionsattesten eller MAT B1, medmindre andet er aftalt.


Et tillæg ansøgt for børn over 18 måneder 

P&P på £5,99 gælder for alle ordningens muligheder undtagen rabatkoden eneste mulighed. P&P-gebyret dækker porto til dig, emballage, paypal og webstedsgebyrer og sikrer ordningens langsigtede levedygtighed.

En ble kan omfatte en hvilken som helst af Bells Bumz-serien og vil omfatte sugeevne og et vandafvisende lag.

Bells Bumz-rabatkuponkoden er en kuponkode til engangsbrug til en værdi af op til £80 i rabat (sendes elektronisk). Dette vil være i stand til at blive brugt direkte på Bells Bumz hjemmeside, hvilket giver brugeren 25 % rabat på et enkelt køb, dette er ekstra specielt, da bundter og kits på hjemmesiden allerede er nedsat fra vejledende pris og inkluderer GRATIS porto. Køb kan bruge koden til at købe mere end én vare, men den er kun gyldig for én transaktion. Udelukkelser gælder: Ikke gyldigt på Bells Box of Joy, Giv Cloth a Go prøvesæt, Newborn to potte swap kit eller Cloth Menstruation Pad kit (andre kan udelukkes efter Bells Bumz skøn).

Incitamentspakker er færdigpakkede, og som sådan kan præferencer for print og bletype ikke imødekommes. Indholdet kan ændre sig afhængig af lager, antal bleer inkluderet vil altid være som beskrevet. Der kan gå 7-14 arbejdsdage, før vi behandler din ansøgning og sender dine varer. EKSTRA er fra et udvalg af miljøvenlige prøver, f.eks. at komme i gang med bleer guide, genanvendelig klud, Bookmark, Balmonds Skin Salvation Balm.

Vores privatlivspolitik kan findesher.

Bells Bumz forbeholder sig retten til at nægte berettigelse til ordningen, hvis det menes, at nogen af ovenstående betingelser ikke er blevet opfyldt. Bells Bumz forbeholder sig retten til at begrænse antallet af accepterede ansøgninger pr. kalendermåned efter behov. Bells Bumz forbeholder sig retten til at trække ordningen tilbage til enhver tid. Bells Bumz kan ikke påtage sig ansvar for tab af nogen ansøgning og/eller understøttende dokumenter, uanset hvad det er forårsaget. Varer modtaget under denne ordning kan ikke refunderes.

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Zachary's Cloth Nappies and Accessories LTD, der handler som Bells Bumz, er et firma, der er registreret i England og Wales (virksomhedsnr. 12599297) 6 Marina Drive, Groby, Leicester, England, LE6 0DX. moms nr: 362795170


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©2020 af Bells Bumz

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Bells bumz  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  cloth wipes reusable cloth wipes soft cloth wipes washable wipes cheeky wipes  reusable kitchen roll unpaper towels  cloth
bells bumz cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy libraries  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappy library modern reusable nappies cloth nappy
Bells bumz  cloth fitted cloth nappies little lamb cloth nappies modern night time cloth nappies night cloth diapers pocket cloth nappies UK bamboozle cloth nappies UK night cloth nappy   cloth fitted cloth nappies little lamb cloth nappies modern night time cloth nappies night cloth diapers pocket cloth nappies UK bamboozle cloth nappies UK night cloth nappy  cloth fitted cloth nappies little lamb cloth nappies modern night time cloth nappies night cloth diapers pocket cloth nappies UK bamboozle cloth nappies UK night cloth nappy  cloth fitted cloth nappies little lamb cloth nappies modern night time cloth nappies night cloth diapers pocket cloth nappies UK bamboozle cloth nappies UK night cloth nappy  cloth fitted cloth nappies little lamb cloth nappies modern night time cloth nappies night cloth diapers pocket cloth nappies UK bamboozle cloth nappies UK night cloth nappy  cloth fitted cloth nappies little lamb cloth nappies modern night time cloth nappies night cloth diapers pocket

The Bells Bumz Eco Cloth Nappy / Cloth Diaper and Cloth Nappy / Cloth Diaper Accessories range includes:

Leak free cloth nappies / cloth diapers for all shapes and sizes, chunky babies, slim babies, skinny babies, tiny babies, bigger bums

Reusable cloth nappies / cloth diapers for newborn babies , toddlers, heavy wetters, overnight and bedtime nappies, washable nappies and products for parents and babies. Our newborn pocket modern cloth nappies are velcro modern cloth nappies with hook and loop cloth diapers / cloth nappy fastening at the waist and our newborn cloth nappy wraps and birth to potty one size fits most size cloth nappies / cloth diapers have popper fastening at the waist. Our cloth nappies / cloth diapers are all size adjustable. We have a range of cloth nappy / cloth diaper wraps for all sizes to go with a range of absorbency whether this is pre-fold cloth nappies / cloth diapers, terry cloth nappies / cloth diapers, muslinz and muslins cloth nappies / cloth diapers, muslin cloth nappies / cloth diapers are often used for newborns, flat cloth nappies, preflats cloth nappies/ cloth diapers and also trifold and prefold cloth nappies / cloth diapers are popular. Most of our reusable cloth nappy range come with natural fibre absorbency reusable cloth nappies / cloth diapers with hemp cloth nappy boosters and hemp cloth nappy inserts and hemp cloth nappies / cloth diapers being key to our range. We also have washable baby wipes for wet wipes and WA Creations offers handmade matching baby clothes to match the cloth nappies we offer. We have pod style messy nappy bags and nappy pails to replace a nappy bucket no need for a mesh laundry bag for your cloth nappy storage needs. We offer two part cloth nappy systems with our fitted cloth nappy systems.

Double gusset cloth nappies / double gusset cloth diapers

Internal double gusset cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

external double gusset cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Cloth nappy wet bags for out and about / cloth diapers out and about 

Size One Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies 

Newborn Cloth Nappies / cloth reusable diapers / reusable nappies 

Size One Cloth Pocket Nappies / cloth diapers - best cloth nappies for slim babies

Newborn Cloth Pocket Nappies / cloth diapers - best cloth nappies for tiny babies

Size One Cloth Nappy Wraps / cloth diapers - best cloth nappies for skinny babies

Newborn Cloth Nappy Wraps / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Onesize Birth to Potty Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for chunky thighs

Onesize Birth to Potty Pocket Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for tall babies

Junior Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for chunky babies best cloth nappies for toddlers

Junior Pocket Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for bigger babies

Reusabelles Pocket All in One Cloth Nappies with Rolled leg elastics - Roller Pockets / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Onesize Birth to Potty All in One Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Reusabelles Onesize Birth to Potty All in One Cloth Nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for big wees, to catch a flood, best cloth nappies for flooders

Reusabelles Onesize Birth to Potty All in two Cloth Nappies - Fliip / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies

Onesize Birth to Potty all in two cloth nappies Z wraps - Z Swap system true all in two / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies

Reusabelles onesize birth to potty Breeze cloth nappy wrap / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappy wrap for airflow 

Onesize birth to potty cloth nappy pull up cloth nappies - wet and wild reusable swim nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Junior cloth nappy pull up cloth nappies - wet and wild reusable swim nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for older children best pull up

Onesize birth to potty hemp fitted cloth nappy perfect for night time cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best cloth nappies for heavy wetters

Junior hemp fitted cloth nappy perfect for night time cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - leak proof cloth nappies

Reusabelles bamboo cotton cloth nappy perfect for night time cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Reusable period products cloth menstrual pads washable period pads and breast pads washable face wipes and facial rounds and cloth wipes / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Family cloth and reusable wipes cloth wipes / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Wet bags nappy pails and nappy pods changing mats and changing bags for cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies - best value cloth nappies

Most affordable cloth nappies best budget cloth nappies best value for money cloth nappies / cloth diapers / reusable nappies

Bells Bumz Eco Z wrap reusable cloth Nappy Cover Z swap system Bells Bumz Eco cloth nappies modern cloth nappies Reusabelles BreeZe airflow wrap Bells Bumz Eco cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted cloth nappy wrap little lamb cloth nappies bamboozle cloth nappies  cloth nappies UK modern cloth nappies cloth diapers motherease airflow wrap fitted
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